
It's the simple things...like the 3 F's

To kick this blog off I just want to discuss why I'm such a happy go lucky guy. Boil it down and it's just the little things. It really doesn't take much to make me happy. So with that said, here it is:

Food - I love it and it loves me. Stick any type of food in front of me and you are instantly my best friend for the day. Easy as that.

Family - I have a wife that would do anything for me, parents who are always there for me, brothers who are my heros, and kids who look up to me.

Friends - All my friends are great but there is one I want to talk about. This particular friend cooks some amazing food, is very smart, sweet, caring, and my inspiration to lose weight. On top of all that, she makes me think. I know I annoy her at times and I thank her for putting up with me. So, thanks for being such a great friend! You know who you are.

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